A Simple Way to Create Object Outline with Beam Studio’s “Offset” Feature

Beam Studio’s new “Offset” feature can help makers quickly add layering effects to their designs.

To create customized handcrafts in any shape is now as easy as ever. I’ll demonstrate this in a few steps below. 

First, make sure you have the latest v1.1.8 version of Beam Studio. If not, Download Here

Create Object Outline with Beam Studio 1


Then, prepare your image file. The image format needs to be turned into SVG or DXF files. You may choose a free SVG file from this site https://www.flaticon.com/ or draw your own object with Adobe Illustrator. 

Now you’re all set for the step-by-step tutorial! 


Step 1: Open Beam Studio and click the image icon to import the image. 

Click image with Beam Studio


You may rename Layer 1 as “Engraving” for easy editing.

Engraving with Beam Studio

Engraving with Beam Studio

Once the image is imported, you’ll be asked to select a layering style. Here I will select “Layer/Color,” to give my object a more 3D look.

Select Layer/color with Beam Studio

After selecting the layering style, you’d see the object in black. 

Editing with Beam Studio

Please note that if you choose “Layer/Color” as I do, your object will be in black like mine, but if you choose “Single Layer,” your object will be in white as its shown below on the right.

Single Layer with Beam Studio


Step 2: Drag to select the image on the engraving layer and click “Ungroup”

Click ungroup with Beam Studio

Engraving with Beam Studio


Step 3: Create another layer, rename it as “Cutting” and move the layer down. 

Rename it as cutting with Beam Studio

Edit with Beam Studio

Edit with Beam Studio


Step 4: On the cutting layer, drag your mouse to select the whole object (do no just click on the image).

Edit with Beam Studio


Step 5: Now activate the “Offset” function by clicking “Edit” > “Path” > “Offset.” 

Edit with Beam Studio


Step 6: Adjust the desirable “Offset Direction”, “Corner”, and “Offset Distance”, then click “Confirm” to create the object outline. 

Edit with Beam Studio


Step 7: The “Offset” function now forms the outline that you can set for cutting.

Offset function with Beam Studio


Step 8: Make sure the image is on the correct layer.

You may click the eye off to make sure the image is on the correct layer. 

Click the eye off with Beam Studio

When clicking the eye off in the engraving layer, the image remains onscreen is in the cutting layer. 

On screen with Beam Studio

When clicking the eye off on the cutting layer, the image remains onscreen is in the engraving layer. 

Engraving layer with Beam Studio


Step 9: Select the optimal parameters for each layer 

Engraving layer: Wood – Monochromic Engraving (Power 30%, Speed 180mm/s). 

Monochromic Engraving with Beam Studio

Cutting layer: Wood – 3mm Cutting (Power 55%, Speed 5mm/s) 

Wood with Beam Studio


Step 10: Put your selected wood board in the machine and click “Export” at the upper right corner to start cutting & engraving. Your work should be ready in 3 minutes!

Start cutting and engraving with Beam Studio


Now we are ready for the finished product! 

When activating the “Offset” feature, if you choose “Layer/Color” as I do, your result should have the same effect as my airplane on the right below. But, if you choose “Single Layer” instead, your result will look like the airplane on the left.

Single Layer with Beam Studio


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Learn more on Beambox, the most intuitive professional laser cutter/ engraver. 

Learn more on beamo, the world’s smallest CO2 laser cutter/engraver.